Read up on conflict diamonds. Images like the ones below make me feel so selfish for worrying about how high gas prices or what I am wearing to the club when people are in Sierra Leone fighting for their lives. And gas in Sierra Leone is over $18 a gallon.. These images help me to keep my perspective and priorities in order...

This is terribly sad. This is a subject that most tend to avoid, people can be selfish and self centered when there's others in the world less fortunate. I think everyone should count their blessings and help the world become a better place.
i dont agree with what your saying.. feeling sorry for these people, putting things in perspective... that doesnt help them.... it helps you, and yea thank god your in the position you are but do not sit there and look at these pictures and say how sad it is when you know darn well your gona go back to your normal lives with the same 'take for granted' attitude as you did before,
I actually see a lot of news reports of atrocities, conflicts and wars …. And these stuffs are so overwhelming that I guess it seems more like a scene from a Hollywood flick! I see them, cannot understand. I just watched the movie “Blood Diamond” just a few minutes ago, and thus did a google search, and got hold of your blog. The feeling I get right now at this present moment is definitely guilt and sadness. The exact feeling I get when I attend funerals, you know that same old life is short, I gotta do something. One day later everything is forgotten, we humans sure do have bad memory, or maybe we just don’t want to see the bad stuffs?
Anyway, the question is what can I do? Or rather what can we do about it? This is what I do, I make a difference, maybe not by helping someone in Africa, not that I don’t want to but because it’s beyond my present practical means, thus I try and help one person, help one kid, make one difference , and that makes me feel good. Thus one by one I may not reach a million in my life time, but I know each person I help is a link to a billion…
The lady who started this blog, is also making a difference in her own way. Cause today I saw the pictures, and I know they are no pictures from the movie. So the blog did help me in a way to picture reality, and next time I see a diamond ring, I am sure going to see beyond the glitter!
Hope we all make a difference in this very short life!
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